Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 45 - Inflection Point

I have been doing a lot of thinking about the journey thus far through 'the valley' (as appropriately described) and the inflection point at which we have I arrived.  Although only a half way point, I can't help but reflect on the significance of the accomplishments - on both personal and collective levels - thus far. 

Diet - not an easy transition, but looking back, it has been easier than I imagined going into this. The thought of no salt, sugar, processed food, or booze was so frightening at the beginning that I almost talked myself out of signing up for the project.  How the hell could anyone pull this off with a demanding travel schedule, business obligations, family obligations, social obligations, etc - I didn't think I would make it past week 2.  In reality, it has been every bit the challenge I thought it would be, but personally gratifying to learn that it can be done and that I am capable of taking better care of what goes into my body.  Of course doing so is easier when you have someone telling you what to do, how to do it, and a community of empathizing co-conspirators. 

The workouts - I used to believe the only way to get physical results was to run off the calories and pound free weights.  Moreover, I applied the principle that results came from mostly from the output with little focus on the input - for years, I would just up the output to accommodate more input.   If I ate a cheeseburger or drank 10 beers, I ran more, if not, I could do less.  Conversely, if I exercised more, I could eat that cheeseburger.  I thought the system worked - and it seemed to until my mid 30s when the workouts became less frequent and the indulgences more frequent.  I would have never guessed that I could get such great results from merely eating properly, swinging a rope and doing body weight based exercises.  I am in freakin awe at how rapidly my body has responded to just this - how it has for everyone involved in the project - and it is motivating. 

The blogging - putting yourself on display seemed like such a strange concept and ridiculous method to get results, especially from a first time blogger.  Yet taking a photo of your body can be sobering (how did I get so damn fat?).  And the blogging is refreshingly honest. Strange how telling a few friends and a handful of people I didn't know imposes the discipline to stay focused and on course - if you don't share your goals with others, then there is no one that can call you on it when you start to waffle or stray from the path. 

The results - weighed in at 83.2 kg yesterday and am down nearly 10kg in 45 days, which is much more than I guess I had set out to accomplish.  It almost feels like I am playing with the house's money now, which I realize can be a trap.  I know these next 45 days are going to be as brutal on me both physically and mentally as the first 45 were.  Still, as opposed to viewing today as 'the valley,' I'd like to think we are at close to the apex and onto if not the downhill side of this project, then at least a flattening curve - armed with the knowledge of realizing the impact the 'bitter choices' can have on our health and fitness and now focusing making the right ones for 45 more days and beyond!  


  1. Good progress on all fronts! The last half will set these changes in stone.

  2. Great post Steve. I feel so much the same way about the diets, the workouts, the blogging... and thinking ahead to the future. Lots to think about for my next post

  3. Good update bud, I concur with a lot of your thoughts, you can really see how the lbs have come off. It has been hard at times, but worth it, and some if not all of the habits learned on this program are ones we can do for the rest of our lives.

  4. Great post mate. Congrats on the weight loss! Another 45 days and you will be RIPPED!

  5. 10 kgs! Pretty impressive stuff man, you are looking really trim. Bring on the 6-pack.

    Doesnt that seem like such an incredible amount of weight to lose in just 45 days?
