Monday, October 11, 2010

Heartland Redux

Need to start off with a non-PCP topic - Received the definitive word this week from the boss man that I will need to relocate to the furt for (at least) a year - an idea that had been kicked around for a while, but one I never thought would materialize with the immediacy that I am now facing.  It is probably happening so fast that I have not really had time to reflect on the fact that I will be packing up my family and leaving a city that I have surprisingly spent most of my career in - maybe it's ambivalence, but the move just hasn't really set in.  So in some respects, the timing for (over) indulgence uno was perfect (read the email upon landing on Sat morning), even though there were probably better ways to blow the pass.

My wife's mother is always kind enough to come to Tokyo when I am on the road to help with the little guy, and she usually stays for a few days after I get back to help with jet-lag. which allows my wife and I to get a night or two of adult time.  We chose last night for a dinner out and for me to cash in the indulgence ticket.  Making the decision on what to indulge in was harder than I thought as I was craving japanese comfort food like ramen or yakitori, something sweet like creme brule, reece's or chocolate mousse and of course any one of a number of different types of booze.  Not having Jasper's foresight to do a little of everything, I went for a tried and true remedy - vino.  Had three glasses of one of my favorite value whites a grand vins bourgogne (Patrick said 2 would be ok, 4 I would get sick, hence the trio) while my wife and I talked about the things we will miss most in tokyo and laid a preliminary game plan for the furt, all in all a great evening.  The vino tasted excellent - actually, I think my taste buds have improved over the last few weeks without the consistent bombardment of salt and chili pepper.  Could have happily ended the indulgence as planned at that, but fortuitously received a call from a couple mates to meet for a night cap and half of a maker's neat (tasted too sugary) and two glasses of pinot (williams selyem) later, my better judgment kicked in and called it a night.  Was up early this am to workout with Blo, and though the indulgence was comparatively little (by historical standards), I definitely felt like crap.  However, I do agree with the other posts that in the greater scheme of things, the indulgence was nice, but relatively un-eventful - happy we got the opportunity, but could have easily made due without it.  I would like to say I won't waste it again, but that would probably be nonsense. 

On the new exercises, I may be in the minority here, but I didn't really mind jumpin and creepin around the gym - those who are lucky enough to watch me in action, however, may have a problem with it.  The plank and v-sits are definitely not easy, but I seem to get through them much easier than the plain vanilla sit-ups.  All in all, I am starting to feel in a much better rhythm at the gym.  Also, I don't know if it is increased vanity or elevated sense of awareness, but I catch myself becoming one of those guys that stares at themselves constantly while working out.  I am beginning to see results, or at least think I am.   Checked in at 86.3kg yesterday, which is down nearly seven from day one, though the visceral area still seems to have a long way to go.


  1. Mate very sorry to hear that you will be leaving!

    Nice work on the progress, but sad to say I will not get to see the final product!

  2. Good Working out with you dude...I think we need to find a place all of us would be happy to retire to and start buying some we get spread to the winds here, be nice to know in old (middle?) age will be settling close to all my friends again..

  3. Should be in Tokyo until the end of this calendar year. Would be up for some sort of group celebration at the end of this project. Doing the PCP together has definitely helped keep the motivation up to stay on course.

  4. Visceral will be last to go. Looking at yourself in the mirror is a good training technique, keeps the form good and allows you to visually check that the muscle is getting worked.
