Friday, October 1, 2010

Day 17

Survived Shanghai, but feel some level of guilt for the PCP infidelity, even as minor (it was just a kiss of baijiu) as it was.  earlier in the week Bill posted some body comp stats from his workout with Patrick that made me curious about my own.  for the last year, i had been avoiding the scale - probably because i set out to lose 5 kg when i hit 94, and ended up gaining 5kg by Feb this year, which put me at my heaviest since my freshman year of college when i played football and was actually trying to gain weight.   So at tonight's workout i finally stepped up to face the music -

Weight - 89.3 kg
Body fat - 18.5%
Visceral Fat - 6 (the guy at the gym told me this isn't a %, but a number on a scale of 1-10 and i assume higher is worse)
Muscle wght - 69.6 kg
bone density - 3.6
B/E calories - 2138

Like bill's comment, when i started this project, 89kg would have been a very satisfying outcome.  however, it is early in the project, there is a truckload of work to be put in and i now feel there is much more to measuring this project's success than the just the ending weight.  still, i guess it is good to have something to measure against and am curious to see these numbers again a month or two from now.


  1. Good. Don't get too wrapped up in the numbers and only check occasionally.

  2. You broke bad for BAIJU? Dude....bottle of 94 Bordeaux maybe, but BAIJU?

    I get chills just saying the word....
