Thursday, October 21, 2010

Motivational Issues

Like the rest of team orange crush, with the exception of AC, I have had my share of motivational challenges this week.  Started for me on Tue when I failed to get up for the morning workout (sick kid all night) and sat most of the day at work dreading the 15 min for skipping rope or 45min jog that awaited me.  Was especially unmotivated given the early flight to Europe on Wed and that I might not get much time to spend with my wife and BC (the little guy).  

However, was lucky enough to beat my family home, which gave me time to bust out the run - for some reason runs are still much more therapeutic for decompressing from a crap day - and I have found that even though I am not running nearly as much, that I still feel good and have had no physical issues completing the 8k.  The mental ones, though, have cropped up and I thought about mailing the run in at 5, 6 and 7k only to push through knowing i would feel guilty about not doing the full 8 i left the house to do.  I consider that progress as a month ago i would have said f#ck it and pulled up short. 

Landed in the furt yesterday and again had no time to workout before the flight, and had to go straight to the office upon landing, so i wasn't able to get it done until later in the night, which sucked given the jet lag and all.  Was crushed to see that dinner has been reduced again!  this time, taking away the banana, so until someone posts a new shake idea, i went with an the apple, milk and two egg whites separately, which was very underwhelming - no that isn't strong enough - it SUCKED.   Missed the evening veggies and went to bed, but woke up today early and feel like I am back on schedule I think as the workout is done and I have nothing to worry about making time for.

On the flight over here, I was thinking about the best way to deal with the time change meal wise. My strategy has been to eat the breakfast at home and get a good lunch en route, which leaves me with about 6-10 hours until my next 'meal' in this case the dinner (or breakfast when i land back in tokyo).  To deal with all the extra time, I have been eating an apple or other fruit every 2-3 hours and then landing and re-calibrating to the current time zone.  It puts me way over the daily fruit allotment, but i am not sure I could last without it.  I am not sure if any of you travel, but would be curious to hear alternative strategies to toy with.

Working to keep it in perspective - that everyone is looking great and better each week and we started this thing to see it through to peak condition and not just good condition, because there are times i know i for one feel like saying that good is enough.


  1. I am getting jealous. I think that if you keep this up, you will weigh less than me! Now that will be a scary site.

    We should have Maki (Japanese male who weighs 49 kilos) try this program. It would be interesting to see if he loses so much weight that he actually turns invisible.

  2. Persevere, this is as strict as the dinners will get!

  3. When I travel I just go with the proper meal for the time zone I am in, so coming back from the states I had breakfast and lunch before my flight, then dinner on the plane, then another dinner when I landed and also doubled up on the workout. Not sure this is the right way to go, but don't think you'll be straying too far however you go. Workouts can be tough on the road, but always feels good to get them done. Keep it up...
