Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day .... doble ocho

Landed at 930 am this morning, prepped a good breakfast when i got home, took a quick nap and then had an absolutely phenomenal workout - one of those that you wish you could have every time.  Super sets are the real deal - why do we only get a week of them Patrick?!  Wow my rudimentary plank skills kill me on the v/plank combo - feels like I have a cinderblock tied around my waist.

Passed on a dinner out with friends for a number of reasons, but my primary one was that I wanted to stay home and prep my own food - shrimp soaked in lime juice, covered with paprika and chili sauce and flash fried in a little avocado oil - along with steamed squash, zucchini and broc.  Though I imagine my stomach is better prepped for the real world than many of the other PCPers with all the travel and road based meals, the home cooking feels better in and on my system.  Knowing how the travel and my slipped discipline with it has cost me this last month, may consider a month 3 mulligan when I get settled in come jan/feb.  

88 days in - auspicious number.  2 days left.  Movers come on tuesday, so not a lot of time to enjoy the accomplishment.  About a month ago, all I could think about after finishing was the types, quantities and varieties of japanese comfort food and drink I was going to crush before leaving - now prepping for the exit comes first.  Poses, old trousers shots etc may have to wait.

1 comment:

  1. If you do super-sets for too long you don't get as much definition! Just for a few days a month!
