Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day 80 - Tangible results

I never really told many people this, but a big part of my motivation for committing to PCP came from a physical exam I took in August of this year.  Aside from the usual finding of being "overweight" and having  "excess visceral fat" was that my cholesterol was off the charts at 260.  Am pleased to say I just received the results from a blood exam I took last Friday (day 73) and my cholesterol is back within the normal range at 192! 

On another note, last night during dinner I actually said "wow, this is some great broccoli" - which to my knowledge I have never previously muttered in my adult lifetime. 


  1. Great work on the cholesterol man! I found myself praising good brussel sprouts yesterday! Maybe we're all going mad?

  2. Great job, Steve! I haven't dropped in on the site for a while, so it's great to see that you and the other PCPers are seeing such solid results. It really does change your perspective--and your pallet!
