Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Day - 85 moving goalposts

Now that I am where I am, I want to be where I am not...I want the six-pack, unclenched; I want the veined arms, unflexed; I want real calf muscles, a guy can dream right - funny how the goal posts seem to move. This project has ROCKED, and I am really happy with where I am on all levels, but I am definitely realizing with less than a week left now that I could have put more into it to get more out of it - especially during this last month.  Missed too many little things like egg white snacks, 8 minute abs (which I started doing on sunday...) or proper stretch sessions to get to "peak condition."  Still, I will repeat the sentiments of many fellow posters here, that these 85 days thus far have really been just the beginning.   That being said, it is also good to know that there is a way back if I ever fall apart and let myself go.

On to the homework assignments:  The Gym

I am probably in the minority here, but I loath the home workout.  It might be that I have limited space, but I like my home to be my sanctuary away from that which I have to do.  I am lazy and the couch is my friend - I wish I could spend more time with my friend and when I see my friend, I get soft.

Anyways, I like working out at the gym and have continued to do 90% of my workouts there throughout this project.  As I was mentioning to Patrick, the types of people I come across at the gym really depends on the time of day that I go.  Early in the morning, there is a group of regulars - some of them in decent shape, some in fantastic shape, and some out of shape - that hit the cardio machines or exercises pretty hard and with purpose to get out of there and on the road for work.  When I go later in the mornings on the weekends or during the afternoons on weekdays, it is a totally different story - a lot of socializing takes place in this place and there is a lot of time between sets - pretty much like my college rec center scene - a place to score not a place to get sore. 

There are also usually 2-3 people a session working out with personal trainers doing some similar things to what we do core wise (with more rest), but also a whole host of other activities.  I used to be one of them (the student not the trainer) and spent more than a JPY 15k a week with a personal trainer without any real noticeable physical results for 2 years.  I can't complain about the time and money spent because 1) it got me on the path to thinking about my health 2) I never addressed the intake component and 3) it helped my chronic back pain.

Still, I do look at the people now toiling through their exercises or pounding the weights and think to myself - I wonder if these people know there is an alternative, one that requires commitment, but is effective and affordable -  it is so easy!  do the PCP!  Easier said than done, though, as it took me several months of trying to tell myself why I DIDN'T need PCP or I COULDN'T do it for whatever bull shit reason (birthday next week, travel, friends party...and on and on) before committing - thanks for the push blo and bill.

Homework #2 - Abs exercise -

The Windshield Wiper - not sure if this has been previously posted...

No explanation necessary - not sure I can even pull it off, but will give it a whirl when I get back to tokyo and let you all know...


  1. Good post dude, it has rocked, and you can see that everyone has really come strong, results show and expect a reunion in 1yrs time will show they are lasting results...

  2. great post mate! push hard through to the end!

  3. Windshield wipers are fun, do your kung fus to the side for the same effect. Great observations about the gym and life.
