Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 13 - Finally home ... for now

Been a few days since i posted, but believe it or not my macbook blew its hard drive last fri (which happened to be exactly one week after the expiration of the warranty).  Anyways, packed up the crew on Sat morning and made way for Tokyo.  The flight from LA wasn't that bad, but i was able to confirm it is really freakin hard to be fully PCP compliant when on a long flight and you haven't had (or made) the time to prep a lunchpail in advance.  Went with the halibut with no sauce and some brown rice on the plane - the flight staff on singair told me the fish had no salt, but probably meant low salt, when compared to the generous portions airlines usually drop on the inflight meals.  Landed last evening and by the time i arrived in the gratto and unloaded the crew, there was really no time (and i had no energy) to workout.  Did the day 12 workout early this am (jet lag is good for morning workouts) and plan to double up the day 13 and 14 tomorrow - at least it is only doubling the jump rope. 

Eating is getting a little easier now that I have a scale and a properly stocked fridge (well not what i would historically consider to be properly stocked as there is a noticeable absence of beers and chu hais).  Have been tossing a bunch of chopped veggies in the wok with sweet basil and other spices which has been really nice, but know that I will need to begin mixing up the veggie rotation or swear off bell peppers forever.  Still getting used to the amount of food - seems like a lot, but i never really feel full or catatonic afterward, not really hungry though either.  On my way to China on Wed and Germany next week.  I am not so worried about Germany, since the germans have great whole food markets and we have a good staff there to help me, but the China trip will be a challenge (it always is, even without the restrictions).  This leads me to a question - is it better to just not eat (to skip a meal or 2), if the only option is not fully compliant with PCP? 

I know i need to get the photos up - will work on becoming fully operational this week.


  1. Am really impressed that you're making this work with all the travel you're doing. Awesome! Am looking forward to Patrick's response on the meal-skipping...

  2. Lots of Veggies and Fish in China....cant imagine being in China and not doing the Dim Sum.....Oh...Dim Sum.....

  3. Always better to eat than to skip. Skipping a meal just eats into your hard won muscle. If all you have is an unhealthy choice just have a small portion. The oils, sugars and fats will be so calorically dense that you need to eat a much smaller size than your PCP portions.

  4. Good to know about the skipping meals, I almost did, but in the end got the best thing I could find on the menu at this mexican dive at a pit stop on the AZ/CA border...keep it up Mac, we'll hit the golf course when I get back
